7 resultados para ciencias biológicas

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A coruja-buraqueira (Athene cunicularia) nidififica no chão e, com frequência, ocorre em ambientes bastante urbanizados como no campus universitário da UNESP em Botucatu, SP região centro-oeste paulista. Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever as características físicas das escavações, distribuição espacial, formas de utilização e avaliar que elementos presentes nas áreas urbanas são importantes para a seleção dos sítios de nidificação. Foram monitorados 6 grupos familiares desde 2011, cuja população e o número de ninhos foram contabilizados e a localização, georeferenciados. Os dados comportamentais foram registrados em caderno de campo, fotografados e filmados. A densidade populacional no câmpus foi de 0,03 indivíduos por Km² com os sítios de nidificação vizinhos tendo a distância mínima de 140,0 metros e máxima de 378 metros. As tocas apresentaram 50,6± 5,6cm de diâmetro, a maioria construída em terreno com declive. As corujas selecionaram sítios de nidificação em áreas abertas e gramadas contendo no entorno poleiros naturais (árvores, arvoretas, arbustos) e artificiais (placas, postes, peitoral de janelas, etc) e próximos a bueiros e postes com iluminação artificial. Estes dois últimos constituíram atrativos paras as suas presas (artrópodes e roedores) e a análise de ergagrópilas revelou a ocorrência de 5 grupos taxonômicos de artrópodes: 65,4% de Coleóptera, 27,2% de Orthoptera, 4,6% de Blatodea, 1,4% de Aranae, 0,9% de Hymenoptra e 0,4% de Mantodea. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as corujas-buraqueiras levaram em consideração características como oferta abundante de alimento, principalmente, de artrópodes que se concentravam nas área iluminadas e nos bueiros. A estabilidade temporal dos sítios de nidificação nestes três anos de monitoramento acompanhada de sucesso reprodutivo de 50% revela que a despeito do intenso tráfego de veículos e transeuntes no campus, o ambiente ...


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El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la posible contribución del desarrollo la Planificación de la Regencia en el Laboratorio de Enseñanza de la Ciencia para el curso de enseñanza en Biología. Con este fin, se aplicó un cuestionario abierto a 16 estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas de la UnB, la identificación de la percepción inicial de la actividad en el inicio del curso, los cambios en estas percepciones a través del tiempo y sus opiniones sobre el potencial y las limitaciones de utilizar este espacio para la preparación de las clases. Por experiencia, los estudiantes reportaron la percepción del laboratorio como un espacio de colaboración que proporciona mejoras en la práctica, y facilitar el acceso a diversos materiales para las clases de enriquecimiento. Las actividades del Laboratorio de Enseñanza permitió el escenario se reunieron los aspectos fundamentales de la formación docente constituye un espacio de reflexión sobre la construcción y el fortalecimiento de la identidad docente


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One of the science education objective, based on relationships between science, technology, society and environment (STSE) is, to form citizens capable on evaluating and taking decisions about the scientific advances impact on society and environment. In a two-way perspective, understand relationships between STSE, provides a vision of science as a human construction and therefore fallible, changeable and not neutral. In this study, we present some results from a comparative study on the influence of ethical conceptions of the nature of science, in two groups of future biology teachers, one from Brazil and, another one from Portugal. For data collection we constructed an attitude scale of Likert-type, which was validated mathematically and semantically. Results shows strong influence of social values, as in transgenic products, where the students’ ideas varied according to the ethical discussions more present in each country.


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This paper relates some considerations resulting from a thesis study in Biological Sciences held at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, Bauru Campus. Considering the perceptual act endowed with simultaneous actions of the cognitive apparatus and the individual's life history as the merleau-pontyana phenmomenon tells us, the work aimed to identify how boys and girls in elementary school realize a natural savanna. The study was realized with the extension project "Walking and learning at the cerrado” in the Center for Memory and Dissemination of Science and Technology (CDMCT) of Postgraduate Education for Science in the same institution. Classes were held in these practical activities, monitored by undergraduate and graduate students, and, the project focuses on students from public and private schools in Bauru and region, and other visiting groups. Data collection was performed using the representations in the form of free drawings of students of their environment after the activity. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, the results allowed us to highlight differences in the way in which genders perceived and thus represented the fragment of cerrado vegetation. The male drawings contained a larger amount of non-living elements, whereas the representations by women, besides their botanical details, often drew on animals and people. The framework of the drawings by the boys took the nearest way, whereas by the girls more often considered the representations and the entire context of the site visited. So, we emphasize the need for further discussions within the perception of the environment to consider differences in the representations of boys and girls within the context of the teaching of natural sciences, seeking, however, to avoid unsubstantiated preconceptions that may cause any degree of discrimination.


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Iron deficiency is the commonest nutritional deficiency in the world. Although it affects adults, particularly women of reproductive age and during gestation, the most vulnerable group is children under two years of age. It affects mainly people living in developing countries, who have less access to balanced diets and health services and are exposed to precarious sanitary conditions. Iron deficiency has an impact on the immunity, adult work capacity and the cognitive development of children. Combating and preventing iron deficiency is one of the priorities in promoting public health. The strategies to achieve this end include the evaluation and correction of iron deficiency in pregnant women, the encouragement of breast feeding, oral iron supplementation in premature and newborn babies of low birth-weight, food enrichment and mobilization of the community.


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This work aims presenting and discussing the conceptual (re)construction of the Biological Sciences undergraduate students on the genotype-phenotype relationship. Data collection occurred through a group of researchers systematic monitoring, at weekly discussion meetings. The data were analyzed and discussed based on Bachelard epistemology foundations. The analysis of the results suggests that the inclusion of discussions of historical and epistemological issues, in that research group, favored reflections that contributed to the expansion of the thinking about the genotype-phenotype relationship.


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A partir da compreensão do curso de licenciatura como momento essencial para a forma-ção do professor como intelectual crítico, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar elementos do processo reflexivo de licenciandos em Ciências Biológicas, buscando-se identificar o desenvolvimento do nível crítico de reflexão. Participaram do estudo 25 alunos do último ano de um curso de licen-ciatura em Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade pública. Os dados foram coletados por meio de dois instrumentos escritos e possibilitaram a identificação de conteúdos, de fatores desencadeadores, de implicações e de níveis de reflexão dos alunos e a presença de habilidades e atitudes necessárias ao processo reflexivo.